Warm Sales Calls

Most salespeople dread making cold calls.

Who can get excited about calling someone
you don't know anything about?

Well, there is a better way you know.

Consider your best customers as a limitless
source for referrals. Like gold buried deep
into a mountainside it has to be mined before
you can get your hands on it.

Your best customers like you and your products,
otherwise they wouldn't be your best customers.

Don't ask for referrals, ask for introductions.

You're sitting face-to-face with a happy customer.
You know he's happy because he just told you he's

There's no better time to ask for an introduction.

You could say something like this.

"Your business is like my business it depends on meeting
new people. Would you be kind enough to introduce me
to one or two people like you who might have an
interest in hearing about the work we do?"

Just ask him to call these people right now.

There's no harm in asking - is there?

I hope you'll agree that's a pretty good sales tip
for you.

There are 56 more sales tips just waiting for you.

Let's go sell something . . .

A Good Selling Idea

It's always a good selling idea to ask your
sales prospects how they got started in their

People just love talking about this stuff.

The person who asks about this shows genuine
interest - and that's good.

And then you can follow-up with "When did you
get started?"

Get the month and the year and add it to
your electronic calendar.

When you send them a "Happy Anniversary Card"
it'll be the only one they get!

Leet's go sell something . . .

Summer is over

An it was a very challenging summer of 2009. Work experience in Atlanta at Microsoft´s Global Exchange, exciting road trip to Czech Rep and Austria as well as lot of other gatherings, events happened to me. But it was exciting also at work. Preparation for launch wave with most focus on Windows 7 are at maximum speed and by the comming launch date more adrenaline comes into our veins. I have just recently seen the final visuals and together with strategy I have to say they are humble but also with new approach very persuasive! I think this is what Microsoft needed and we in field will do our best to adapt the concept to the local needs to the most.

In a week´s time I am leaving for 2w honeymoon but keep tuned for more around Win7 and other marketing observations I´ve experienced in last two months!

Bing bang?

Few people turned to me concerning Bing so you may want to hear something from myself to this new engine.
Okay so what is the primary reason why were are still working to be Nr 1 on providing easier access to informations on internet (objective)?
In spite of undeniable progress up to 40% of searches still remains without relevant response. Almost half of attempts to find information lasts up to 20 minutes. And that is why there is clear motivation for a company like Microsoft.

And what is the secondary (my subjective) reason?
As 5 years ago the catalogue search was the way we looked information on the internet, with the Google´s entrance into internet new era begun, the fulltext search. But as the internet is fastly developing, there will be something new again, soon. It might be visual, verbal search for instance but Microsoft doesn´t want to wait and we made the first half step and introduced the decision engine.

When will it be available for Central Europe´s languages?
Bing as a search tool is provided in all Microsoft present country. The full functionality decision tool is not only about search, but provides sophisticated answers based on language, first major market are already covered (English, Spanish and German). After the bugs will be corrected, more countries will come but for CE we don´t expect Bing as a decision tool before end 2010.

What are the results so far?
Bing already achieved 1% percent on the market (one month result) and based on New York Posts article from June 14th Google´s co-founder Segey Brin assembled a team of top engineers to conduct Bing study and try to upgrade their service.

If you think, this is subjective reasoning, of course, it is. But to do you own consideration, try Blind search and decide, which is the most relevant for you. There is not big difference, is there?

New PR

Did you know that the hottest form of PR today is getting bloggers to feature your business? Nine in ten bloggers say they have accepted and given away free samples of products and services that they endorse. So ... to market your business, find some bloggers that reach your target audience and get in touch with them.

But first:

1. Read their blog ... lots - make sure you understand what they care about and where they are coming from

2. Read all comments on their blog - get to understand their readers and what they care about

3. Participate - make some comments on a few different entries over time to establish yourself within the community

4. Contact the blogger directly - take your cues from the blogger's online style when writing your pitch. Offer good freebies that will add value to their community

If you're interested in learning more, check out this press release from Text 100

Multi-Dimensional Marketing

When marketing your product or service, the simplest question is often the hardest: who are you selling to? Avoid giving the simple answer - marketing is almost always a multi-dimensional process in which you are selling to multiple audiences and going through many layers to reach your end user.

For example, yesterday I met someone who wants to run workshops for corporations. He was thinking that his market was the "end user," or the employees who will participate in the workshops. It turns out that the people who participate in his workshops are actually last in the list of people he has to market to to make the sale.

Here is how it actually breaks down:

1. Company Gatekeeper (often a receptionist or assistant)
2. HR manager
3. Corporate leader
4. Corporate finance dept
5. End User (employees)

In other words, to actually reach the people he wants to work with, he must first sell his product to four other people and departments, and the people who actually make the decision to hire him and the department who pays him are often on different sides of the company and will never actually witness his services. In fact, the least important target audience for his workshops are the end users!

Want to know how to deal with a situation like this? Give me a call!