Multi-Dimensional Marketing

When marketing your product or service, the simplest question is often the hardest: who are you selling to? Avoid giving the simple answer - marketing is almost always a multi-dimensional process in which you are selling to multiple audiences and going through many layers to reach your end user.

For example, yesterday I met someone who wants to run workshops for corporations. He was thinking that his market was the "end user," or the employees who will participate in the workshops. It turns out that the people who participate in his workshops are actually last in the list of people he has to market to to make the sale.

Here is how it actually breaks down:

1. Company Gatekeeper (often a receptionist or assistant)
2. HR manager
3. Corporate leader
4. Corporate finance dept
5. End User (employees)

In other words, to actually reach the people he wants to work with, he must first sell his product to four other people and departments, and the people who actually make the decision to hire him and the department who pays him are often on different sides of the company and will never actually witness his services. In fact, the least important target audience for his workshops are the end users!

Want to know how to deal with a situation like this? Give me a call!


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