Warm Sales Calls

Most salespeople dread making cold calls.

Who can get excited about calling someone
you don't know anything about?

Well, there is a better way you know.

Consider your best customers as a limitless
source for referrals. Like gold buried deep
into a mountainside it has to be mined before
you can get your hands on it.

Your best customers like you and your products,
otherwise they wouldn't be your best customers.

Don't ask for referrals, ask for introductions.

You're sitting face-to-face with a happy customer.
You know he's happy because he just told you he's

There's no better time to ask for an introduction.

You could say something like this.

"Your business is like my business it depends on meeting
new people. Would you be kind enough to introduce me
to one or two people like you who might have an
interest in hearing about the work we do?"

Just ask him to call these people right now.

There's no harm in asking - is there?

I hope you'll agree that's a pretty good sales tip
for you.

There are 56 more sales tips just waiting for you.

Let's go sell something . . .


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